Land reform is a pivotal issue to the socio-economic development in Namibia. Disparities in land distribution emanating from the successive colonial regimes, coupled with protracted policy of land dispossession of the indigenous Namibians, is a major challenge that the Namibian Government is facing.

The Directorate of Land Reform consists of two main divisions namely, the Division of Land Boards, Tenure and Advice (LBTA), and the Division of Land Use Planning and Allocation (LUPA).

The main function of the directorate is to administer the Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Act, Act No. 6 of 1995 (ACLRA) and the Communal Land Reform Act, Act No.5 of 2002. The National Land Policy was also developed and is being implemented by the directorate.

Department Land Reform

Mandate: To Manage, Administer and Ensure Equitable Access to Namibia’s Land Resource

Which is derived from the following Statute;

  1. Article 95 of Namibia Constitution
  2. National Land Policy of 1998
  3. National Resettlement Policy of 2001
  4. Commercial (Agricultural) Land Reform Act, 1995 (Act No.6 of 1995)
  5. Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002)
  6. Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937)
  7. The registration of Deeds in Rehoboth act, 1976 (Act No.93 of 1976)
  8. Land Survey Act, 1993 (Act No. 33 of 1993)
  9. Sectional Tittle Act, 2009 (Act No. 2 of 2009)
  10. Flexible Land Tenure Act, 2012 (Act No. 4 of 2012

Vision: To be the Continental Leader in Land reform and Administration

Mission: To ensure that Namibia’s land resources is equitably allocated, efficiently managed, administered and sustainable used for the benefits of all Namibians.

Strategic Objectives: Division Regional Programme Implementation

  1. Ensure equitable distribution and access to Land
  2. Ensure sustainable Utilization of Land resource
  3. Ensure Security of Tenure
  4. Enhance Organizational Performance

Divisional Organogram- Kavango East Regional Council

Core Functions decentralized and performed under the Kavango East Regional Council

Core functions decentralized

Service rendered by Division Land in Kavango East Region

  1. Management and Administration of Resettlement Farms

1.1 Identification and Selection of suitable candidates for resettlement and provide secretariat support to Land Advisory Commission Sub Committees (Regional Resettlement Committee)

1.2 Management and Administration of group resettlement projects (Bravo, Mwitjiku, Omega 1)

  1. Management and Control of Communal Lands

2.1Support to Communal land Board (CLB’s) on the Administration of Communal Land

2.2 Monitoring of Communal land Development Project

  1. Land Acquisition and Land Use Planning

3.1 Formulation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Integrated Land Use Plans

  1. Provision of Valuation Services and Advice

4.1 Valuation of Property for purchase, disposal, rental, taxation and compulsory acquisition (Note: Function still being implemented from Head office due to lack of staff members)

  1. Cadastral Survey and Mapping

5.1 Cadastral surveying and dissemination of spatial Data (Note: Function still being implemented from Head office due to lack of staff members)


Functional Pictures:


