MICT was delegated to the Kavango East Regional Council in June 2017 under the Directorate of Planning and Development as a division: audio visual and print media supervised by the Deputy Director of planning and development.


  • To lay a foundation for the accelerated use and development of ICT in Namibia and co-ordinate information management within government.
  • To create an enabling environment for ICT development and access to information for socio- economic growth.
  • To make Namibia ICT literate by making ICT accessible to all by 2030.



  • Research on behalf of government.
  • Information dissemination from government to the public and from the public back to government.
  • Collection and storage of information, news coverage, both print and broadcasting.
  • Marketing of government publication, and presidential portraits.
  • Information sharing on government program and community awareness initiatives.
  • Publication of regional news.
  • Provide basic ICT related educational programs